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assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera

Kali ini entri kolin bercampur bahasa lah sikit. Tiga langkah kecantikan yang perlu kita amalkan ketika bangun tidur. Sebagaimana yang kita semua maklum sebagai seorang wanita memang sangat-sangat mengutamakan kecantikan. Di sini kolin nak share sedikit info mengenai langkah kecantikkan
 yang kita perlu ikuti ok.

It cannot be denied that many women out there have their own beauty regime that they follow religiously. However, there are three beauty habits that women should never miss especially as you wake up in the morning. You may have a good night’s rest but you should always take into consideration of your body as you step out of the house. For the ladies who live in a cold weather country will find moisturizer as their best friends but women in a hot climate environment like Malaysia will be hanging on to sunscreens. The hot burning sun blaze will hurt your skin, thus, women should never forget to apply SPF sunscreens to protect your skin from the aging and prevent skin cancer. Dab it on your face before putting on makeup and to other parts of your exposed skin before going out.

Yang penting jangan lupa pelindung matahari untuk mencegah kesan penuaan dan mengelak daripada terkena kanser. Letakkan sedikit-sedikit di muka dan ratakan sebelum mengunakan alat solek dan keluar untuk menjalankan aktiviti seharian.

Dehydration can occur if you have gone without water for several hours. Always start your day with a glass of water instead of coffee. Carry a personal water bottle everywhere you go from feeling parched. Unfortunately, we are human beings and tend to be too busy to remember taking a sip. Therefore, a lip balm is always a handy beauty item to keep your lips looking soft and supple all day long. You will definitely not want to make a conversation with someone having dry cracked lips.

Ini yang paling penting banyak-banyak minum air. Air adalah medium yang terbaik untuk menjaga kecantikan dan tubuh badan kita. Perlu juga pelembap bibir supaya bila kita perlu berjumpa kawan-kawan atau client tak lah rasa tidak yakin dengan bibir pecah seribu kan.

  Tau atau tidak kita boleh buat face mist sendiri? Tak tahu kan..jum baca info ini.

Besides that, we also tend to have a dull face when we feel tired or been exposed too much to sunlight. The best way to overcome this is to store a bottle of face mist in your handbag and it can help make you feel fresh. There are a few brands in the market which sells face mist but you can also make your own face mist by using a simple spray bottle with chilled water. 

Selama ini kolin tak tahu pun yang boleh buat face mist sendiri.  Senang aje rupanya wei. Kesemua tips ini boleh di dapati di beauty regime
Hanya mudah kan 3 langkah kecantikkan yang perlu kita ikuti selepas bangun tidur.
 Jangan lupa tau, krim pelindung matahari, minum air banyak-banyak dan pakai lip balm. Sesekali kita segarkan muka kita dengan face mist ok.


Kolin Zainal

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