Feeling artis menunggang kuda di Bukit Fraser

assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera

Siapa yang pernah kuda?? Kolin tak pernah pun mungkin sebab takut dengan kuda kut.
Korang kalau ke Fraser Hill mesti terfikir apa saja aktiviti yang ada kat sana kan. Ini salah satu aktiviti yang boleh korang cuba Menunggang Kuda.

Ikut jalan yang nak turun dari Bukit Fraser akan jumpa The Paddock, Fraser Hill
Di sini korang boleh cuba memanah atau menunggang kuda. Kami memilih menunggang kuda
terlebih dahulu. Sebab trip sebelum ini tutup kan.

Acara posing memang wajib lah bagi kami sekeluarga. Macam biasa hubby aku memang pakar
dalam merosakkan gambar. Adeiii laaaa...hipster la sangat kan pandang sana tu.

Ini kan memang trip meraikan hari lahir mama kolin. Tapi yang perasan yang baju pink tu.
Kalau nak tahu kenapa dia posing macam tu, Alisa tersampuk cerita Diwale tu.
Tu laaaaa mulut dia tak abis menyanyi lagu Garua tu..adeiii

Lawa kan tempat ini. Pokok dan pemandangan cantik giler
kalau lah boleh shooting wedding kat sini, sure album meletop..lawa
kalau menipu bukan kat Fraser Hill pun orang tak tahu kan...

Ini lah harga bayaran untuk menunggang kuda. Mereka akan bawa kita ronda satu pusingan setiap kali naik tu. Best tak best....jom tengok gambar. Wajah-wajah kesayangan hamba memang suka benar.

Puas dah hati nak menunggang kuda. Berani betul Alisa dan Ali ...wahhh
Mami juga yang penakut hahahaha

Ingatkan nak sambung memanah, sekali hujan turun ngam-ngam kami semua selesai menunggang kuda.
Takde rezeki, takpe..bulan Ogos Inshaa Allah kami akan ke Bukit Fraser lagi.

Bukit Fraser atau Fraser Hill ini dah menjadi tempat kegemaran kami sekeluarga pulak.
Sebab memang menenangkan dan tidak semestinya bercuti perlu membeli belah atau berhabis
masuk taman tema sana sini kan. Paling kami enjoy suasana sejuk dingin yang kami boleh rasai
di Bukit Fraser. Jangan lupa singgah The Paddock untuk pengalaman menunggang kuda ok.


Kolin Zainal


  1. What a wonderful experience for the family. I trek regularly at Frasers' Hill. Will check out this facility soon! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Syiok la they all dapat naik kuda! lama tak pegi frasers' hill

  3. Wow such an amazing place! Never ride a horse before but definitely a great experience! :D

  4. Tumpang tanya, if I want to stay overnight at Fraser's Hill, which resort paling recommended? Terima kasih!

    1. U can try Fraser's Boh Bungalow heard not bad over there

    2. i try silver park apartment before.. ok jugak laa

  5. OOoo I miss this place! Love it so much! Wish i could be there again

  6. Ahhh.... Fraser's hill is in my list for so long but I never try give it some time to visit! Your post reminds me to go for it ASAP

  7. I went to Fraser Hill few months ago when I had a road trip to Raub but we missed this out!! We only drop by for cycling and high-tea ><

  8. Nice place to go visit... I dah lama tak ke Fraser's Hill... tapi anak saya selalu naik kuda di Titiwangsa jer... RM2 jer... hehehehe

  9. Trek is a great experience family can have together! Glad that you enjoyed it.

  10. always love Fraser's Hill. It is so nice and peaceful, as compared to Cameron. thanks for sharing the experience, now have one more activity can do in Fraser! woohoo!

  11. I try this horse riding too when I'm at fraser hill. So many memory here! Your kids surely have fun!

  12. i ride a house before but I still scare when the horse moving. I think i not good in balancing as I move a lot . haha

  13. I like to have short staycation at Fraser Hill too, with more refreshing weather :)

  14. Trekking is a wonderful experience and nothing more fantastic if doing with family.

  15. ali nampak happy je, alisa tak takut ke? haha even i pun takut nak naik kuda ni

  16. WAH bestnya! seronok je tgk muka dorg. hehe

  17. Looks like a fun day out horse riding!

  18. Never tried riding a horse before! Haven't been to Fraser hill either, seems fun!

  19. It's been a long time since I last went there, still looks lovely!

  20. I never been to Fraser Hill but been riding a horse before. That was fun!

  21. giddyup giddyup.. nak naik kuda juga la.

  22. okay nanti i pergi naik kuda because I dah lama tak tunggan kuda biasa lah orang lepas beranak.

  23. Oh how nice! Fraser Hill is awesome, I used to go back in the day. And awh the horse activity must have been so much fun too!


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