kitsui RTD Marine Collagen


hari ni mamy pergi watson..selama ini mamy consume imedeen but then
imedeen macam dah sangat sempat makan tuk 2 stop..
tapi semangat nak makan supplement tuk muka memang membara..mamy suke hahah

so mamy lepas survey punye survey ...terus decided nak try produk ini
mana tau bole tolong mamy kann ngan masalah kulit macam tak sekata ini..
lagipun..bukan dia bole tolong muka saja..satu badan kannn

buat sementara waktu ini..kalu ikut apa yang diarahkan mamy
kene makan 1 botol sebelum tido setiap malam ..di mana badan berehat...
hrmm rasanyer mesti mcm imedeen rasa ikan ikan..sbb marine kannn
so tahan sabar..dan kene sejukkan kalu x silap 
satu kotak tu ada 10 botol...
so dinasihat berturut turut selama 10 hari mamy kene consume 
kitsui ini lah kannn

bagi mamy try dulu then nanti after 10 hari mamy bagi review nya hahahha
mamy turns to 32 this year..but then ramai aje kawan kawan 
i look ok at my age!! tapi biasalah perempuan
lagi lah perempuan yang mementingkan kecantikan kann..memang mesti 
terjebak ngan menda menda ini kann

so mamy cuba nanti kita lihat hasil ok...
*nak kulit tegang mcm kak nita ok *wink

meh tengok apa produk ini offer ok...

Product Description

Concentrated Anti-Aging Formula. For Beautiful Skin Everyday.
(Result in 7 days)
KITSUI RTD Marine Collagen is highly concentrated anti-aging formula with marine collagen essences which absorbed by cells and penetrates deep into the dermis to stimulate the skin's collagen production. Within a short period of time, the signs of aging are diminished and skin becomes noticeably hydrated, firm, supple and enchantingly radiant.
The marine collagen used in this KITSUI RTD Marine Collagen is highly made from natural ingredients, no side eects and complies with high safety standards.
Honey    : Helps to attract and retain moisture.
Our studies has shown noticeable results in reducing all types of ageing problems such as fine lines and wrinkles, loss of elasticity, poor hair, nail and joint quality. Our studies have also shown that high grade of collagen in KITSUI RTD Marine Collagen will help:
•  Enhance and improve skin renewal
•  Restore muscle tone
•  Provide firmness, elasticity and suppleness of the skin
•  Reduce pigmentation that leads to dark spots and dull skin tone
Japanese Formulation

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